Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friend or Foe?

Recently, I was asked how to deal with a negative friend. My response was, 'Is this person a friend?' I've learned (throughout the years) that just because you've known a person for a length of time does not constitute a friendship. I have, also, come to learn that you do outgrow your friends. In life, we have to figure out who truly are our friends, and who we can stand to do without. Would a friend constantly belittle, judge, or misuse you? Tell me, have you mistaken a foe for a friend? Let's talk about it! Post your comments.


kynnedi said...

First of all, it depends on your definition of a friend. When you decipher what a friend means in your mind then you will know if that person is a "foe" or a "friend."
I can say that I have friends and they are all unique, precious, different and opinionated. I think if your friend is judging you, constantly belittling you, and misusing you they aren't happy in their world and that is a friend you can do without. A real friend is going to ride with you whether you are right or wrong, when your man does something stupid and it hurts you they aren't going to say "I told you so." They are going to make you laugh and smile. Those are some of a real friend qualities, and if you have a girl like that she is a true friend.

Good job on your page.....Luv ya

Still Patrice said...

We've all put work into maintaining a "friendship" when CLEARLY it should be ended. A lot of times we're comfortable and let things slide b/c of said comfort.


Any relationship that you are involved should be a 50/50 give/take, when you find that you're constantly giving more and not getting in return then it's time to reevaluate the relationship. And make the cuts as nec.

Anonymous said...

I agree! I have a foe whom I thought was a friend tell me that if I keep befriending a lady she didn't like we couldn't be friends anymore. Seeing that we are both 30, I responded with a 'nice to know ya'. Needless to say, she's been blowing up my phone ever since. Sometimes, you never know how good of a friend you had until they are gone!