Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Is "complete" the right word...

As I made my daily stop at Shop 'N Save, I overheard 2 women, who obviously hadn't seen each other in a while, catching up. The one lady goes, "I tied the knot, and finally I'm complete." The other one sarcastically says, "Getting married made you complete?" I couldn't have said it better. How/why does getting married make you complete? Doesn't completion start within you? Don't you have to have some sense of completion in order to even know who you are? I'm sorry, but I truly feel that statement was sort of fatuous. Let's talk about it! Post what you think!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I was tagged....

Yep, that Patrice girl tagged me!

Accent: No, but I use to talk really proper. But after a few thugs, hood guys, and professional street pharmacist, I sort of lost it.

I don't drink: Beer. Disgusting! (although I tried some apricot beer recently, and it wasn't so bad) Oh, and milk! When I was a kid, I was thirsty as hell and went into the kitchen to get something to drink. All, I saw was a milk glass (remember when they came in glass bottles) and I drank it. Didn't know my mother concocted a vinegar/milk mixture to make buttermilk. I vomited everywhere. Haven't touched that sh** since.

Pets: OMG! You all know I can't wait until CHLOE GISELLE arrives. She's a Maltese. Can't wait to love her!

Essential Electronics: Cell phone. I use to get headaches from being on the phone so much. Sad, but true.

Perfume: I love Curious by Britney Spears. I also love Escada.

Gold or Silver: Silver... or platinum. Gold looks horrible on me. I wouldn't accept my engagement/wedding ring if it was gold. Again..sad, but true.

Insomnia: Lately. Stress, I'm sure.

Job Title: Family Support Eligibility Specialist a.k.a. Case Worker

Most Admired Trait: my sense of humor (to me)

Kids: Yes! 2 little boys. Okay, they're 11 and 14.

Religion: Yes. Even though the G-O-D and me are having problems right now, we are gradually working through 'em.

Siblings: Yes. Enough said.

Time I Wake Up: 5:30am

Unusual Talent/Skill: I can, I mean USE to be able to put both of my legs around my neck, COMFORTABLY. I probably can try now, but I don't need EMS and all them in my house and ish
Veggie I refuse to eat: I hate Green Peas, too. Eww!

Worst Habit: Cursing! oooh weee! I have a mouth! Oh, and my attitude can be horrible.

X-Rays: When I had a cholecystectomy.

Favorite Meal:
Seafood anything. As long as it isn't fried. We all know I can't do fried foods anymore.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Are you nosey?

Someone I know found out that her man was cheating. She sat outside of his house (after going through his things) and saw him with another woman.

How do you feel about snooping through your man's things? Ask and you shall receive? Look and you shall retrieve? I use to be a voicemail code cracking, call log looking, changing password PSYCHO! Only to find things that I already assumed. Let's talk about it! Post what you think.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Why Pastor, Why?

Okay, first of all let me say that I am quite saddened by this. I don't know if "people" sadden me more than the situation or what have you. The problem I have is the "shock factor" behind all of this. People are so shocked and appalled! WHY?? We all know that Domestic Violence isn't rare. It exists. It happens more than we would like to admit.

But, (and I may ruffle a few feathers) THIS is what happens when we put 'church folk' on pedestals and then become hurt and amazed when they display human-like behavior. Stop thinking that miraculously your ministers, first ladies, deacons, etc. take a sip of some magic holy water and become inhumane.

I'm sure she'll profit from this episode. Sad, but true.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Message of the Day:

Never love someone more than you love yourself.
Also, never give your all to someone who doesn't give their all back to you.

Always know that you are worth everything that you desire!!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Birthday!!

Today marks the 10th birthday of my favorite step-daughter! Happy Birthday, Lacienega! I love you JAMESHA!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Choose- Your man or Your friend!

Have you ever had to choose between your man or your friend?

1st scenario- Have you ever felt a DISTANCE between you and one of your friends? I think there should never be a reason that a true friend should be put on the back burner, or forgotten because of a man. Men come and go. Whether it's today, tomorrow, or 20 years- no relationship is promised! Friends (true friends) are always around. I just find it quite interesting how people that you've known forever, suddenly don't feel the need for your presence after they meet/find a "man".

2nd scenario- Do you ever feel the urge to NOT want to talk to your friend because of her man? You try to be a good friend and listen, but the stories get so hard to listen to by the minute! You just want to say WAKE UP! But you can't. Because you are a friend. But doesn't it get quite tiresome?

Are we, as women, really this desperate? LAWD, please help us! Let's talk about it. Tell me about your experiences!! Post your comments!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Quote of the Day:

Cherish Yesterday, Live Today, and Dream Tomorrow!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friend or Foe?

Recently, I was asked how to deal with a negative friend. My response was, 'Is this person a friend?' I've learned (throughout the years) that just because you've known a person for a length of time does not constitute a friendship. I have, also, come to learn that you do outgrow your friends. In life, we have to figure out who truly are our friends, and who we can stand to do without. Would a friend constantly belittle, judge, or misuse you? Tell me, have you mistaken a foe for a friend? Let's talk about it! Post your comments.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Is He Serious?

For some ODD reason, Curtis Jackson feels if Kanye West sells more albums than he on September 11, 2007 (Both rappers release date) that he is going to stop putting out solo records. Okaaaaay, somebody tap Fiddy on the shoulder and let him know that we like him more with his mouth closed. For real though, why can't they both be prosperous? Why do we do this to one another? Post your comments!

On a side note, let's hope that Kanye pulls this one off.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I's married now!

Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown has confirmed that she has been married since June. *blank stare* Sooooo, is this what we resort to when we are afraid of being "alone"? Just up and marry the next Tom, Dick, or Stephen Belafonte that looks our way? Let's talk about it. Post what you think!

Quote of the day from my BFF!

Live Well, Laugh Often, & Love Much!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Kim Porter will enlighten us with a Tell-All interview in OK! Magazine's September 2007 issue. Maybe we can get some good advice from her. Chick does know how to monetarily use that uterus! Seriously though, let's hear what she has to say.....pick up the issue!

Quote of the Day:

Life is what YOU make it! Get out there and make life all about YOU!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

@ Tru

Whoa.... A whole lot going on here. However, your main concern is you and your child. There are many signs here, that I'm sure you have already seen. I don't need to reiterate any of that. Bottom line, LOVE YOURSELF! Always remember that people treat you the way that you allow them to treat you. If he thinks it's okay to get married on you and not consider your feelings, is that love? Only give your all to someone who is willing to give their all to you. You're worth more than that. Concentrate on being a great mom, single or not, your child is the subject matter now. I know it won't be easy at all to let go, but remember not only is he treating you unfairly, but your soon to be son will also be treated this way. Is that okay?

Sunday, August 5, 2007

My First Post

Today marks the first official day of Peaches Sayz! I am so excited!!