Friday, August 24, 2007

Why Pastor, Why?

Okay, first of all let me say that I am quite saddened by this. I don't know if "people" sadden me more than the situation or what have you. The problem I have is the "shock factor" behind all of this. People are so shocked and appalled! WHY?? We all know that Domestic Violence isn't rare. It exists. It happens more than we would like to admit.

But, (and I may ruffle a few feathers) THIS is what happens when we put 'church folk' on pedestals and then become hurt and amazed when they display human-like behavior. Stop thinking that miraculously your ministers, first ladies, deacons, etc. take a sip of some magic holy water and become inhumane.

I'm sure she'll profit from this episode. Sad, but true.

1 comment:

Tru said...

Ok this is very sad, partly because I hadn't heard anything about this, HELLO BET are you still out there? Anywho, you are so right. People, black/white/green/purple, put their pastors on pedestals and think that everything said is factual. It's rare that people do research on what's preached in the pulpit. It's sad that Juanita went through this but lets face it, her husband was a pastor long before they met. And I'm sure folk at his church will blame her or the devil and not him for his actions, which is more upsetting. It happened to Hezeiah Walker who's church grew 10 fold after his divorce. When will we wake up and realize that no matter what we don on Sunday morning, no one is 'above' being HUMAN!