Sunday, August 26, 2007

I was tagged....

Yep, that Patrice girl tagged me!

Accent: No, but I use to talk really proper. But after a few thugs, hood guys, and professional street pharmacist, I sort of lost it.

I don't drink: Beer. Disgusting! (although I tried some apricot beer recently, and it wasn't so bad) Oh, and milk! When I was a kid, I was thirsty as hell and went into the kitchen to get something to drink. All, I saw was a milk glass (remember when they came in glass bottles) and I drank it. Didn't know my mother concocted a vinegar/milk mixture to make buttermilk. I vomited everywhere. Haven't touched that sh** since.

Pets: OMG! You all know I can't wait until CHLOE GISELLE arrives. She's a Maltese. Can't wait to love her!

Essential Electronics: Cell phone. I use to get headaches from being on the phone so much. Sad, but true.

Perfume: I love Curious by Britney Spears. I also love Escada.

Gold or Silver: Silver... or platinum. Gold looks horrible on me. I wouldn't accept my engagement/wedding ring if it was gold. Again..sad, but true.

Insomnia: Lately. Stress, I'm sure.

Job Title: Family Support Eligibility Specialist a.k.a. Case Worker

Most Admired Trait: my sense of humor (to me)

Kids: Yes! 2 little boys. Okay, they're 11 and 14.

Religion: Yes. Even though the G-O-D and me are having problems right now, we are gradually working through 'em.

Siblings: Yes. Enough said.

Time I Wake Up: 5:30am

Unusual Talent/Skill: I can, I mean USE to be able to put both of my legs around my neck, COMFORTABLY. I probably can try now, but I don't need EMS and all them in my house and ish
Veggie I refuse to eat: I hate Green Peas, too. Eww!

Worst Habit: Cursing! oooh weee! I have a mouth! Oh, and my attitude can be horrible.

X-Rays: When I had a cholecystectomy.

Favorite Meal:
Seafood anything. As long as it isn't fried. We all know I can't do fried foods anymore.


Still Patrice said...

LMAO... I don't even know where to start!

You really need to stop calling those boys babies... I'm not gon tell you that they are getting SEXXXED by those fast ass girls in school... CTFU

Peaches said...

@ pajnstl

Don't play!

Keli said...

Man, Patrice got err'body. She tagged me to, lol.