Saturday, October 20, 2007

New New..

Now, we all know how it feels to date/talk to someone new (THAT YOU LIKE)! You get all giddy! Happy! Looking forward to that phone ringing and seeing his number! That is so exciting to me.

That is, until I find out he's married, has had the same girlfriend since the 3rd grade, or he's finally figured out that he's not ready for a relationship (BTW, he's 35-40)! I know, I know.. I'm thinking negatively. But ain't it something!? AnTyway, I love this feeling! I really do. Let's see how long it lasts. We all know that I tortured some religious leader in my past life, but let's see if he really is a merciful GOD. I am so going to HeLL.


Still Patrice said...

hmmm, who has cracked that steely exterior!? lol

Peaches said...

@ pajnstl- You are so crazy! I spit my damn juice out. I think he's cracking it....